Understanding the Refurbishment Process: What Happens to Your Phone?

Wondering what happens to your old phone? Discover the refurbishment process and how it benefits you and the environment.

The Smart Choice: Repairing vs. Replacing Your Phone

Is it time to repair or replace your phone? Discover the smart choice that saves money, reduces waste, and puts quality first.

Why its important to reduce e-waste

There was a time when people held onto their phones, computers, and laptops for what felt like a lifetime. But now, the pace of technological advancement is so rapid that we can barely keep up. We toss aside our "ancient" devices like yesterday's news and rush to get the latest...

Tips for preserving your iPhone's Battery Life

A smartphone’s battery is used by increasingly energy consuming applications. While we can’t guarantee that you won’t still perpetually be running around looking for an outlet to plug your little darling into, it’s a good idea to start with figuring out how to prolong your battery life to begin with....