Renewed vs New

Manufacturing a new smartphone produces about 86.63 lbs of CO2e. Renewing? Just 6.8kg lbs. Lose the weight: no extra effort, just extra savings. Hot Tub Time Machine   Some might say that’s what a renewed phone is. A new phone uses up about 73 hot tubs worth of water. Buy renewed and you’ll save...

Knowledge is Power

20% remaining, 10% remaining, connect to power – a low battery can induce instant anxiety into the best of us. Take our notes to ensure a happy, long-lasting connection until dead battery do you part. 

Renewed Electronics that Slay

Electronic waste is the fastest‑growing solid‑waste stream, beating out fast fashion. E‑waste, or electronic waste, is surging. Each year the world creates 5,683 Eiffel Towers of e‑waste, which is enough to cover all of Manhattan. Source: World Economic Forum, 2021 It's also the most toxic solid waste stream. Electronic devices...

Our Favourite Apple Watch Fitness Apps

Smartwatches. Yes, they’re still around and in fact they’re more popular than they have ever been before. No longer are they just an extension for notifications and answering calls you want nothing to do with, they’ve evolved into something of a companion for many people. At the forefront of smartwatch...